Change the administrator and domain transfer in the area

Domain is again today faced with the question about transfer of the domain in the zone ru. Started to recreate a detailed study of earlier material, I thought that it is possible to solve the problem a little easier, but again reduced to a paper letter to the registrar.

What, one wonders, these wacky complexity? Today honored somewhere thought that it prevents theft domains – more like a nonsense, because I doubt very much if wishing to withdraw domain in the zone com less. But there’s not busy with these pieces of paper, notaries, trips to the office – where it all once again the desire to complicate, do not understand. Actually, now had to deal with the transfer of one Ukrainian domain zone, where everything is much easier to fuss around ru-nis. I will tell you some of the details of the process. You can also find some valuable information for this topic here – folheto lidl.

So far, only the second time domain stands between different registrars, so maybe there is some hidden and yet unexplored nuances, although I still try to tell as much detail as it was for me. Generally, if I understood correctly, the whole process boils down to two simple steps:

After that initialize the transfer of the second registrar.

In the process may be different nuances that sort of depends largely from the registrar. So the first thing when you transfer the domain I would recommend to contact support to where you arrange your domain. If your case will be the same as my examples, feel free to use the following published algorithms.

A few years ago I bought a literary blog, I thought I will have different books and write my impressions there. As a result, the time for all this was not enough and I decided to collaborate, but this idea was not the most successful. Now I work myself slowly with copywriters and trying to monetize the site properly. The first thing that I (and other webmasters) should worry – registration of the domain name itself.

How do I move a blog with blogspot to custom domain?

Is it worth it to carry blogspot blog with a personal domain?

Those of you who regularly enough comes to this blog probably noticed that he was for some time now he has found his personal domain name and published on a personal second-level domain. RU, and not the subdomain

“Why do I need to transfer a blog on personal domain?” – You ask.

There are several reasons, but the main is that the blog has a personal domain, more opportunities to earn money. With these blogs are more willing to exchange links, articles and guards with them, too, and you can sell links. In addition, not all advertising platforms are ready to work with blogs to the subdomain. So if you have seriously decided to monetize your project, it is better to buy a domain name and began to publish on your own domain. In addition, short and sonorous domain names are easier to remember and, according to unconfirmed reports, the search engines are more “love”.

And yet,

How to move from blogspot to your own domain?

While moving in the internet options described a great many, I allow myself to offer its own, given the fact that many readers of this blog have only recently begun to conduct their electronic journals and many of the concepts and even the names are for them a mystery. Therefore, it makes no sense at this stage to go into all the theoretical niceties, I’ll just show you how to connect your personal domain on a concrete example, and knowing “what buttons to push,” You will soon themselves easily figure everything out. So, I suggest you step by step instructions.

So, the first thing to do – is to register liked domain name for your blog in an accredited registrar. This is done by using the services of partners Google (Google domain registration itself is not involved), but … this service is available only in English, so that if the English “to you”, it is not necessary to communicate and, in addition, domain registration for the year will fall $ 10.

In the Russian segment of the Internet can be found in 3 times cheaper.

SEO: Own Domain vs. Blog Hosting

In the first part of the series SEO – first steps it comes to the question of whether to host his blog itself or on providers, such as Blogger should fall back. As so often, it comes down to what you want. Let us first of all of the optical component. A blog like bloggerabc has its own domain, looks at first sight “professional” from. Because someone has made ​​the effort to secure the domain and pay. That someone has so invested money and wants to run his blog with a degree of “professionalism”.

Standing advantages with its own domain

So your own domain provides a professional appearance and is trusted. However, the latter must be proved by the content and the appearance of the blog to the outside. Otherwise, there are no reputation, and thus incurred no confidence in the blog and the operator. In my opinion, confidence is the highest good that a person, an organization (I am thinking also companies) and a product can have.

* I use the term deliberately in quotes. Because I assume anyone that he does not want to do the same with his blog. Basically everyone is for his decision not to have your own domain, have his reasons.

Better ranking is questionable

Another reason that speaks for your own domain is that Google these climbs supposedly better. However, I’m not sure if that’s true. I did a lot of research plus found no concrete evidence that supports this claim. If anyone here have any information, please write to me. Happy as a comment. Personally, I’ve decided to have my own domain, because I have the idea of ​​professionalism.

Seriousness and professionalism I have to prepare myself. I have made ​​the first step with my own domain. One point I do not want to embezzle. A dedicated host is not only professionalism to the outside. It also means that you have to take care of his blog. One, I think, very good and detailed article there is to it on Robert Weller describes very vividly where the pros and cons of selbstgehosteten blogs.